Developer! Developer! Developer! East Anglia

DDD East Anglia

Cambridge, UK
Saturday 13 September 2014

A Unit Testing Swiss Army Knife

Putting all of #IsTddDeadOrNotQuiteYet discussion aside, there are a lot of things to be said about more technical side of writing tests. Instead of big important questions like "How" or "Why", I would like to present you a couple of tricks, patterns and libraries that help in what is usually of secondary interest - readability, maintainability.

The leading motive for this talk will be approaching our tests like living documentation - and what we can possibly do to make it better.

So, have you ever wondered what is Bulider Pattern about? What is all the fuss in being "fluent"? Or maybe you wondered if you can effectively integration test you MVC app? I hope you will find useful learning this, and some more.