Developer! Developer! Developer! East Anglia

DDD East Anglia

Cambridge, UK
Saturday 13 September 2014

The vNext Big Thing

At TechEd this year, various Scotts and a David announced ASP.NET vNext, the biggest thing to happen to the Microsoft web developers story since ASP.NET 1.0.

It's a moving target, so I can't say exactly what the talk will include, but I can guarantee it will cover:

  • The Core CLR, the K Runtime, and the project.json file
  • How Roslyn fits into the story
  • What (and why) OWIN is, and how to write middleware for it
  • The merging of MVC and Web API into a single, streamlined, uber-framework
  • Why I'm never going to finish Simple.Web

Look, it's all awesome. Just come and see.